New Website – Your Action Needed!

This post should only be going to those of you who read the Free Kindle Books and Tips blog via an RSS feed or via email.  There have been some important changes that, unfortunately, require a little bit of action on your part (that’s the bad news), but that action should take you less than 30 seconds (that’s the good news).

What are the changes?  Well, I had the website moved to its own domain vs. the shared version I had on WordPress.  The WordPress version worked out great when I started this blog a few years ago, but with the breadth and size it has become now it was beyond time to move to a dedicated website and hosting solution.  You can check out the new website at

To continue receiving the updates via email or an RSS feed, here is what you need to do:

Updates via Email

Please click here or type in into your computer’s web browser and enter your email address under the “Your email:” line-item  and click the “Subscribe” icon.

Once you do that, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you just input on the web page: I am sending out a confirmation email to make sure no one is being spammed.  In the email, there is a link to click – once you click it, you will start receiving emails of the free Kindle book offers and tips to maximize the enjoyment of your Kindle.

Some of you may wonder why didn’t I just transfer all of the email addresses to the new site…the short answer is I could, but the emails would really look like &%# and all sorts of other bad things like text-only and summarized.  I would rather think you would like a better-formatted email.  I hope all of you will resubscribe, and I will probably lose a few of you, but for the long-term health of the blog it is necessary to resubscribe.

Updates via RSS Feed

If you have been receiving the blog via RSS feed, you will need to update the URL with the associated feed to

That’s it!  How about checking out the new website at and let me know what you think?  My new email address is michael at fkbooksandtips dot com




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