Kindle Fire How-To Guide – Free from Amazon Kindle Store

My book, Kindle Fire How-To Guide: Your Guide to Tips, Tricks, Free Books, and Startup, is available for free today from the Amazon Kindle store – if you like the book, I would appreciate your taking a moment and writing a review for it and, if you don’t care for it, how about sending me an email (kindle at gagler dot com) and let me know how you think it could be improved?

You can pick up your free copy by clicking here or typing in into your computer’s web browser. It will be free for today only, so grab it now while you can!

Here is the book’s description from the Amazon website:

Amazon’s Kindle Fire is full of new whistles and bells as well as some great technology. This guide will take you step-by-step with all of the Kindle Fire’s features including setup, navigating each tab, play music and videos, read eBooks, and download and use apps.

Each chapter contains detailed instructions complete with screenshots, tips, tricks, and shortcuts to quickly get up to speed and more. Additionally, this guide shows you how to and where to receive FREE books, music, videos, and apps you can immediately start using on your Kindle Fire: you may never pay another cent for Kindle content again – download this guide to your Kindle Fire today!

Michael Gallagher is the author of several bestselling Kindle “how-to” guides, and his title “Free Kindle Books and How to Find Them” has been the #1 Kindle reference guide for over two years, garnering #53 and #72 on the Top 100 Kindle bestseller lists in 2010 and 2011, respectively. His “Free Kindle Books Plus a Few Other Tips” blog has been the #1 bestselling blog in the Amazon Kindle Store since 2010.

Want to have this blog sent wirelessly to your Kindle vs. reading it on your computer? Try out the free two-week subscription!  Click here for the Amazon page for Free Kindle Books Plus a Few Other Tips or type in into your computer’s web browser.

Check Out My Other Blog, “Kindle Books for a Buck (or Less),” with a primary focus on the independent author as there are jewels beyond the “name brand” authors. You can check it out by clicking here or typing in into your computer’s web browser.  Who knows, you might find a new favorite author!


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Filed under Free Book Links, Free From Amazon Store

One response to “Kindle Fire How-To Guide – Free from Amazon Kindle Store

  1. I purchased this book so that I can refer to it often as I learn to use my kindle fire. It’s very easy to read with plenty of info on where to get free books and music!

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